We are not a strict Hellenistic or ancient Mediterranean reconstructionist or revival group. We have chosen to acknowledge, praise, and in-tune with the deities of the classic Greco-Roman world, honor their festivals and celebrations in alignment with our modern realities, take inspiration from some of their teachings and find ways implement the better parts into our modern world while attempting to heal the ancestral karma of a people and time so different than our own, and, finally, enjoy a healthy physical lifestyle inspired by the Mediterranean. Although the Temple of the Sea Born has been built on these organizing principles, we honor and respect the beliefs and practices of those who align with other traditions. In the spirit of inclusivity, we also look forward to being a supportive community to practitioners of other spiritual paths to enjoy fellowship with like-minded individuals.
We don’t have all the answers, and we make no claims to hold the ultimate truths. We seek to explore this amazing world and universe with a mindset of wonder and admiration for all we see and all we feel. The guiding principles of the Temple of the Sea Born are not dogmatic adherence to some stiff doctrine, but rather fluid connection with the great energies and spirits that surround us all. We do not seek to judge or shame based on some unattainable, man-made ‘divine’ laws, but uplift and support our community amidst the twists and turns of an honestly incredible experience in a truly divine world and time.
We are not looking to become a mega church of numbers without souls. Although we believe that the more energies we bring together, the more powerful a force for change and growth we can become in the world, we also never want to lose sight of the individual and the unique beauty and gifts each individual brings with them.
We are not for everyone. Unlike traditional religions who profess the one truth that ALL must adhere to, we understand that spiritual journeys are a very personal thing while at the same time being intertwined with the greater consciousness. That said, we also respect that each person and group will have different ways of relating to their own experiences and circumstances that might not in-tune with the guiding principles of the Temple of the Sea Born. The door is always open to anyone regardless of age, race, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, current religious beliefs, etc. Nonetheless, we understand that we won’t connect with everyone. We can always offer out support in finding a community that does fit one’s needs as we honor and respect your individual journey. The only thing we ask in return is that you respect our traditions and ways as also having a unique and special place in this world.